William McGirt

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William McGirt
Got his start in the game because his "aunt had me on the golf course as soon as I could walk."
Lists making two aces in one round as his biggest thrill in golf
Favorite course he has played is Pebble Beach. Never travels without his laptop computer. Favorite professional team is the Atlanta Braves. Favorite college team is the Wofford Terriers
Only marks his ball with a quarter
Favorite TV show is "Law and Order," and favorite movie is "Bull Durham."
Favorite entertainer is Brad Paisley. Enjoys reading Caddy for Life, the story of Tom Watson's caddie, Bruce Edwards
Favorite food is a hamburger
Would round out his dream foursome with Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Watson
Received scholarship offers to play golf and baseball in college. Was all-conference in baseball twice in high school
Bucket list includes attending both a World Cup soccer event and the Olympics
Favorite vacation spots are Charleston, S.C., and Hilton Head Island, S.C
Involved with various charities, including Camp Spearhead in Greenville, S.C., a summer program for children and adults with special needs.

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