Justin Thomas

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Justin Thomas
Attended Saint Xavier High School in Louisville, Ky
Biggest thrill in golf to date is winning the NCAA team title at Alabama
Earliest golf memory was first time breaking 100 as a child
Favorite courses played are Augusta National and Cypress Point
Would like to play Pine Valley and Shinnecock Hills
Favorite pro teams are the Boston Red Sox, Cincinnati Bengals and Pittsburgh Penguins
Favorite TV show is "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
Favorite movies are "Semi-Pro" and "The Shawshank Redemption"
Favorite athletes are Kobe Bryant and Sidney Crosby
Favorite city is San Diego
Would like to trade places with Bryant for a day "because he's the man!"
Dream foursome would include his dad, Carrie Underwood and Nick Saban
Not many people know he can do a hand stand
Top bucket-list item is to watch "the 'Bama football team win a national championship in person."
Motto is "No excuses. Play like a champion."
First-tee introduction song would be "Go Get It" by T.I
Twitter name is @justinthomas34.

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