Derek Fathauer

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Derek Fathauer
Attended Martin County (Fla.) High School…Has twin brother, Daryl, who caddied for him at 2013 Tour Qualifying Tournament…Why golf over other sports? "I ask myself that question every day," he says…Likes to carry five tees in his pocket…Favorite teams are Louisville Cardinals, Miami Dolphins and Boston Celtics…Favorite TV show is "Eastbound and Down."…Favorite movies are "Training Day" and "Super Bad."…Favorite entertainers are "Machine Gun Kelly" and "Iration."…Favorite athlete is Kevin Durant…Would like to trade places for a day with his twin brother, Daryl…Dream foursome would include Ed Bassmaster, Peter Kessler and Jack Hamm…Motto is "Second is last."…First-tee introduction song would be Madonna's "Like a Virgin."

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